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Total Control®

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Total Control: Innovative cloud-based worksite management solutions.

Transform the way work gets done on projects big and small. 

Total Control is a comprehensive, integrated suite of tools and services offered from United Rentals that makes it easy to streamline your processes and reduce your annual rental costs. 

Interested in becoming a Total Control user? Click “Request Info.” 

Vous êtes déjà utilisateur de Total Control®? Click “Sign In.”

What can Total Control do for your business?

Voir : Visibilité en temps réel

See equipment utilization and pinpoint the location of your rented and owned equipment anytime, anywhere with Total Control. 

Gérer : Une solution tout-en-un

Order and return equipment, view and pay invoices, submit lien release requests and set alerts for important issues. 

Mesurer : Analyse comparative et suivi

Utilisez notre parc équipé de GPS et des années de données pour comparer le rendement de votre équipement à celui des homologues de votre secteur d’activité.

Optimiser : Améliorer l’efficacité opérationnelle

Stay on top of your equipment and improve team efficiency with real-time order notifications. 

The value Total Control brings to your business

Ease of use

Ease of use

Streamline equipment management operations with our user-friendly interface, intuitive design and robust Help Center for support.

Cost forecasting

Cost forecasting

Gain detailed insights into your spending, payment history and your equipment’s cost cycle through effective cost forecasting. 

Customizable and flexible

Customizable and flexible

Monitor, benchmark and compare how your equipment stacks up against industry peers.

Streamline Your Order with Digital Tools

Manage Payments

View, share and pay invoices through Total Control and our Mobile App 


Customize email and text notifications for tasks across all project stages

Availability and Substitutions

Receive rental availability information and recommended substitutions before checkout

Equipment Access Management

Authorize permissioned users to view equipment access PIN codes within our Mobile App

Order History

Access all current and past rental orders and easily re-order equipment with a single click


Emissions Dashboard
emissions dashboard

Emissions Dashboard

Track your environmental impact by utilizing our emissions dashboard for efficient carbon accounting.

Parcours des notifications


Stay up to date on your fleet with real-time notifications on equipment and orders.

Évaluation comparative de la durabilité


Monitor, benchmark and compare how your equipment stacks up against industry peers.


Total Control® fonctionne pour de nombreux clients différents

« Sans Total Control®, il y aurait du gaspillage partout. Sans cette solution, nos coûts monteraient en flèche. Nos dépenses sont ainsi passées de 12 millions $ à environ 4 millions $. »                                                                                

– Directeur chargé des équipements pour une grande raffinerie pétrochimique

« Il ne nous arrive plus de louer un équipement, de le laisser de côté et de ne plus y penser jusqu’à la réception de la facture. »

– Gestionnaire chargé de la logistique pour un entrepreneur commercial

« Le niveau de détail que nous obtenons avec Total Control® est meilleur que celui de notre propre système. Nous avons immédiatement vu comment devenir plus efficaces avec notre équipement, nos factures et tout le reste. »

‑ Superviseur d’entreprise du secteur pétrolier et gazier



Nous pouvons vous aider à gérer efficacement votre équipement

La gestion de l’utilisation de l’équipement a toujours été difficile. Cela change grâce au Service d’analyse comparative de United Rentals. Grâce à ses plus de 20 ans de données et d’expertise, United Rentals a créé le premier étalonnage exhaustif de l’utilisation pour diverses catégories d’industries et d’équipements.


Total Control FAQs

See FAQs below for Total Control service and support.

I’m an existing Total Control user. Avec qui dois-je communiquer pour obtenir du soutien ou de l’aide?

For our Total Control users, we provide a dedicated customer support team to ensure direct and comprehensive assistance. If you are a total control user, reach out to our team at 844.474.8520 or for questions or concerns.

Un utilisateur de Total Control® doit-il appeler la ligne du service à la clientèle?

No, our customer care line is reserved for general rental questions and support. This number can be found on the header and footer of every page on

To better assist our Total Control users, we have a dedicated customer support contact that can be reached by phone at 844.474.8520 or via email at 

Quels renseignements dois-je avoir sous la main lorsque j’appelle l’équipe de soutien de Total Control®?

In order to provide efficient and comprehensive customer support, please have your account number or account name ready for our experts to accurately assist you. 

How does United Rentals use telematics?

Total Control and United Rentals’ mobile app allows you to view important data points of telematics-enabled units including location, utilization, low fuel, low DEF and more. This means you can see the physical location and usage information of your equipment in real time, giving you a more accurate understanding of how your equipment is being used. Telematics allows for real-time tracking and insights, enhancing equipment usage and site management efficiency.  

What is a lien release?

A lien release is a document that releases any potential legal claims to a property in exchange for payment, typically used and issued by a contractor, subcontractor, supplier, equipment letter and more. Total Control gives you complete visibility over your lien release requests, even offering same-day lien request returns from any connected device. For more help, visit our new Help Center and search “Lien” for in-app guidance on creating a request or contact Total Control support.

How do I sign up for Total Control?

Open the United Rentals mobile app or Total Control and click on "Create a Profile" to fill in your details to create an account. If you already have a digital profile, you will be prompted to create or reset your password. You  can also email us at with your full name, phone number, email address and account number(s). Our team will then set everything up and send each user an email with a link to create their own password. 


Solutions numériques

Online & Mobile Services from United Rentals

D’autres questions?

Communiquez avec un expert de Total Control® dès aujourd’hui pour demander plus de renseignements

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