Project Uptime
Project Uptime

Why to Add Telematics Devices to Your Owned Equipment
Using telematics to remotely track and monitor mobile equipment is one of the simplest and least expensive ways to increase operational efficiency, stay on schedule, and reduce...

Boost Worksite Sustainability with Equipment Telematics Data
In many construction companies, sustainability has moved from buzzword to business priority. Leaders recognize that reducing waste, conserving energy and lowering carbon emissions...

5 Ways to Use Telematics Data to Create a Safer Jobsite
Telematics can do much more than help you find your equipment on a jobsite. You can use telematics data to boost productivity and even safety.

The Future of Tool Tracking Technology
The construction industry in North America has a big problem with small assets — namely, tools. Thanks to underutilization and lack of accountability, it overspends on tools to the...

Using Telematics to Monitor Generators and HVAC Equipment from Anywhere
When your generator is powering a critical process, you can’t afford for it to fail or run out of fuel. And if either happens, you need to know, pronto. That’s where telematics...

5 Key Moments When Equipment Data Can Save You Money

Avoiding Data Overload from Equipment Telematics

The Benefits of Telematics: Predictive Maintenance and More

Tracking Indoor Equipment with Tags
Construction equipment, whether rented or owned, represents a big chunk of a project’s costs. Using it wisely often results in saving money. Telematics can tell you exactly where...

Tracking Jobsite Workers with Wearables Boosts Safety and Productivity
When you hire a subcontractor for a big job, do you know if the sub has the promised number of crew members working on your project on a given day? If a worker fell, how fast would...